Monday, March 31, 2014
First Birthday FUN!
Posted by The Burfitt's at 11:41 AM 3 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Baby Engine turns ONE!!
WARNING: this post might be a bit lengthy and involves his birth story. i mean, poor baby Engine has yet to have his big blog debut, and he turned 1 yesterday. What?! crazy. and i am a slacker mom. so here it goes & don't say i didn't warn yah :)
HIS STORY-- Finding out we were pregnant was a total shock. We were planning on spacing Henry and the next baby out a little bit. but the Lord had different plans. i was shocked, scared, excited, nervous, sad, surprised & happy all at one time. 3 kids, 3 and under. how would we do it?!
Well finding out he was a boy was awesome. i was so excited to have all boys. i already had two and they were crazy, fun and messy balls of energy. why not throw another into the mix. plus, our house was already covered in trains, cars, trucks and airplanes.
Both Henry and Jakson had family names so we decided that our last baby would just be a name that we love and we would start our own family name :) We loved the name Benjamin and i loved the name Mack, so we decided Benjamin Mack it was. Well, Jakson couldn't say Benjamin, it came out "Baby Engine." Well we thought that was the cutest thing EVER. So we all started saying it. Then one day, my sister asked Jakson if baby engine was going to have tiny hands when he came out. Jakson said, "No, he doesn't have hands, he has wheels!" Hahaha, this made us laugh so much. He even pointed to a picture in a restaurant that was a picture of a train station and he told me that was where baby engine lived! hahah. oh that kid :) So Baby Engine stuck and will continue to stick :) i love it!
So now flash forward to a few weeks before his big arrival. this momma already had sky high blood pressure like always. {from the moment the stick shows i am pregnant, my blood pressure soars} i went in to the doc to get checked to see how i was progressing, and to our surprise the crazy boy had flipped and was now breech. so we went from excited that maybe i could get induced to thinking about a c-section. this was not my plan. i was scared, sad, nervous & fearful. the thought of surgery scared me. i know that many of you have had c-sections and everything turns out fine. i knew that and know that. but like i said, it wasn't my plan and i wanted to be in control. i knew the Lord was in control and to trust him and it would all work out as he had it planned but that was so hard. So i did everything i could-- laid in funny positions, put an ice bag on his head, put music on my belly, went to the chiropractor-- all to get that little man to flip. it was a couple weeks before he was due now and he still hadn't budged. So we went in to a specialist to see if we were candidates to do a version. A version is where they push and push on your belly to see if they can get the baby to flip into the head down positions. Praise the Lord we were!! His positioning, his size, the amount of amniotic fluid and the fact that i had already delivered two babies naturally, he thought we could do it easily but we couldn't wait too long since we didn't want engine to get any bigger or get more comfy and stuck in that awkward position. So we had a version scheduled. We knew that we would do a c-section if it didn't work and i would get induced if it did work.
the night before the version josh and i stayed at a hotel not too far from the hospital. good idea babe! we went on one more date, we got some sleep and had a night without the kiddos.

Posted by The Burfitt's at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Life in Texas.
Hello again.
i have been talking about starting up my blog again since we moved to Texas, which has already been 4 months. << i can't believe that we have already been out here for 4 months!>>
it totally intimidates me. i don't remember anything about how to blog so bear with me here, please :)
Now, where do i even start?
What have we been up to for the past 4 months?
For starters, just getting settled in our new home, which we LOVE!
We kinda played the guessing game when we moved out here and through research and trusting our realtor, we found a home we loved and got it! The timing worked out perfectly and we really felt like the Lord just laid it all out for us and we couldn't argue and trusted Him in the whole process. We are slowly getting projects done, filling up this beautiful home and making it ours. The boys LOVE it. It is a ranch style with lots of room for them to run around in. There is one room upstairs which is the playroom/guest suite when we have them :) I will do a post one day on
We spent our first thanksgiving in Texas and drove to Fort Worth to be with some of Josh's family. It was a fun few days on their beautiful land. I love that we have some family within a few hours from us :)
We drove back to GA for Christmas. that didn't really go as planned. Unfortunately, i brought the flu with me. I passed it on to all of my boys, my parents, my sister and nieces and nephews. so that part wasn't fun and ruined almost every plan that we had made for the week but i was thankful that i got to spend some time with parents and family. Even if we did feel miserable.
my sweet little guys on Christmas Eve. Flu and all but i still got a smile :) |
Then my parents got to come and spend a few days with us at the beginning of January. That was so fun and we got some good quality Mimi and Pop time.
We found a church that we are loving. We got involved in a small group with some other couples that we are getting to know more and more each week. I started attending a women's bible study once a week and have met some sweet women through it and am learning so much about myself and about the Lord.
I joined MOPS. They meet once a month and i have met some really sweet friends through it. I am looking forward to getting to know them all better!
Jakson started preschool here. He is loving it and learning so much. and making some little friends :)
getting ready for his first day of school :) |
This city is so awesome in that there are neat little parks to discover. The library has a fun
We are just a few houses away from the neighborhood park and pool so we are loving that. The boys love walking or riding something down to the park. We have made a few friends around the neighborhood so that has been fun and we are so excited for the pool this summer :)
So all in all we are really loving it out here in Texas and we are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us out here! The hardest part is missing family. We were so used to seeing them whenever we wanted to so having to facetime in on parties or just to talk has been weird but i am so thankful for technology. it is pretty amazing being able to see their faces while so far away!
Well, i think that sums it up for now.
This week is spring break and the weather is supposed to be beautiful so hopefully we will get in some fun park time with the boys!
Oh and did i mention that my baby is turning one on saturday. i still can't believe it, i just can't.
we are planning a fun little family day in Austin to celebrate our little man, so i am excited about that and i promise to blog about it!! :)
how was it almost a year ago that we welcomed this sweet baby into our lives?! |
Posted by The Burfitt's at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Texas here we come...
Welp folks, that big move to Texas is officially here. Our good bye burfitt family party has passed. And might I add that it was SO fun :) We said our goodbyes to preschool :( we said our goodbyes to some friends :( We said our goodbyes to some of my family :( Yep. It's getting real. Whether I like it or not. Our house is getting shoved into a moving truck as i type this. My husband will be heading out to Texas on Saturday. & I will be making my way out there on Monday and will be joined by some of my most favorite women & kiddos. My stress level is through the roof and emotionally I feel exhausted. This moving business is tiring and stressful. We have been staying at my parents house for the past few weeks so last night I took the kids to see the house for one last time. Jakson said, "bye bye white house, i love you!!" I honestly thought I would cry as I pulled away from the house for the last time. I mean this is the house where Josh lived when we first started dating. It is where we had our first kiss. where we came home after our honeymoon. Where we had our first Christmas. Where we brought home each of our babies. Where our boys started their childhood. BUT I am so very excited for the new memories that we are about to start making in our new house. We know without a doubt that this is where the Lord is leading us and I am very excited (and anxious!) to see why He has led us there. Prayers are so very appreciated. My next blog post will be in TEXAS, ahhh!! See yah!!
Posted by The Burfitt's at 4:54 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 23, 2013
a life update
Wow, i can't believe how long it has been since i blogged last. life is so busy and at the end of the day i would rather relax then blog since i only have a few hours until my adorably chunky 6 month old will want to be nursed some more. (yes that is right. he is 6 mo old and still not sleeping through the night. the boy wants food every 3 hours. this momma is usually always exhausted unless i am jacked up on some caffeine)
Posted by The Burfitt's at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Jakson's first day of school
Our Jaksonian started school a month ago. And yes, this slacker momma is just now blogging about it :)
He is loving all of his new friends and teachers and is already learning so much!
walking in with daddy |
the little booger would NOT smile for a picture |
but he would show off his "White-teen" bandaids, aka lightning mcqueen ;) |
showing daddy to his classroom |
our big boy! |
Posted by The Burfitt's at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2012
baby #3
Yes, it is true, i am pregnant with our third sweet baby!
In case you want to ask...
yes, we know how babies are made.
yes, we know they grow up.
and yes, we will have three kids pretty close in age.
and YES i am excited about it :)
when we started having kids we knew that we wanted to have them all pretty close together. this timing of baby 3 wasn't quite as we had planned but the Lord obviously knows our plans better than us. We are trusting in HIS perfect timing.
so if you think we are crazy, well, we probably are but that is ok. i like our crazy :)
Baby 3 is due March 21, 2013
thanks for all of the sweet comments. we are excited to add one more baby to this crazy bunch!
Posted by The Burfitt's at 10:06 AM 1 comments