Friday, April 30, 2010

saving money where we can...

When Josh and I got married we knew that once we had a baby I was going to stay at home and raise our children. So since I got pregnant a few months before I graduated school, we have always been living off of 1 income. This means we really have to figure out ways to save a penny wherever we can. Here are some ways we save money...

1. coupons~ Now I am no pro at the whole couponing thing yet. I have been couponing ever since we had Jakson, so I've been at it for about 5 months and it makes a huge difference. I was going to the store and spending 120 dollars or so each week. Now I go and spend about 60 dollars MAX and am buying the same things. It is awesome and is now like a game. I know the husband is so happy that I am doing it!

2. DIY~ this is our motto! If we can figure out a way to do it ourselves then we will! My husband LOVES to do wood working, paint and fix things. For Jakson's room we could have spent money and bought a nice dresser but we had an old beat up dresser that was in the garage and came with our house when Josh bought it. So we stripped it, sanded it, and stained it and it turned out awesome! Also, I wanted to buy a 60 dollar stencil to paint a tree on the wall. Instead, I called up my acrafty sister. I showed her the stencil and she did it free-handed and it turned out great!

Also I wanted some of the wall letters that spelled Jakson. Josh took scrap wood, traced the letters on it, and cut them out. I painted them and hung them with the extra twine from our wedding programs. And they look amazing!! I would have spent over $50 if I would have ordered them.

We just fixed up our bathroom and we did simple things that we could do on our own that just changed the look for the better and it barely cost us anything! And we have a lot of fun doing these little projects together!

3. Pay off the credit card~ Josh is the only one with a credit card and it gets paid off every month. We are also trying to work our way out of debt, slowly but surely. The Lord has really blessed us these past couple of months and we are getting things paid off 1 at a time. Once one thing gets paid off we will put that money towards another payment. I know once everything is paid off it will be an AWESOME feeling.

Those are just a few simple ways that Josh and I are saving our money :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nashville, baby!

So this past weekend was the half marathon! What a great weekend :)

Basically to put it in a nutshell-

The weather ended up being great for the race and I ran it in 1:53. I was super pumped because I broke 2 hours and it was 5 months after having a 3 1/2 months of running. I couldn't have done it without my husband who was totally my #1 fan. He gave me so much encouragement through out my training and hearing him cheer for me at the finish line was AWESOME. I love that man with ALL of my heart :)Also, I wouldn't have been able to do it without my mom, sister Chrissi, Allison, and K Younk! What a wonderful group of ladies to train with for this race. Love you girlies!!

And when I finished I discovered that my sister was going to be getting engaged when she finished...AWESOME! Yes, I cried. I think I was just as shocked as she was. So excited for Chrissi and Bobby and their new journey that they are about to start on together. Praying for them and their new life together as husband and wife. Oh and I am suuuuuper excited about helping plan a wedding :)
Love you guys so much.

We had such an amazing weekend and Jaks did SO great on his first out of town stay! He slept great in his pack-n-play and was taking a bottle from his daddy while I couldn't feed him. He even got some formula and took his first dip in the pool. He loved the pool. He just made his little "hoot owl" face and noises and splashed around.

Friday, April 23, 2010

folks, we have an eater :)

Sooo, Jakson loves to eat! Haha, it is so funny to me. I swear he grows by the day! I just love all of his little rolls. The other night while I was at the concert Josh watched him from 5 until he went to bed, and he ate 16 oz of milk. Haha...umm he needs to start crawling so he can start working this big appetite off :) Last night we fed him at the table with us while we ate dinner. He ate sweet potatoes and made a HUGE mess but was loving every second. He is such a cutie...

and yes, those are sweet potatoes on his head :)

Just so you know the following photo was supervised. And Frank wouldn't hurt a fly :) Jakson is really starting to notice the dogs and is always staring at them and laughing at them. The other night Frank came to lay next to Jakson and it was so cute. So of course, we took pictures :)
I like to call this picture, I'll lick your hand if you lick mine

Jakson played his piano with his hand yesterday instead of his feet and he LOVED it. Ugh, i love this boy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Owl City concert

Last night was my first night out without Josh or Jakson. They had a little guys night while I went to the Owl City concert with my sister, Chrissi. It was fun! Owl City was really good and it was just a fun concert. He had these two girls on stage who were like little back-up dancers. It was just fun to watch. Well, besides the fact that Owl City is one of those performers who is just kind of painful to watch. He just moves around stage really weird...haha, you almost can't explain it. Anyways-- Chrissi had told me that he is a christian before the concert. It was really neat. He sang this one song and was basically worshiping the Lord on stage. It was just really neat to see that, especially when you aren't expecting it. Here is the song--it was very short and sweet but just really cool and gave us both goosebumps.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jaks is 5 months!

I can't believe that I have to start telling people that you are five months old!! Last night you were playing in your exersaucer(spelling?!?) and I start crying :( You are just growing up way too fast. I love this stage of life you are in right now. You make new discoveries daily and I feel so blessed to get to stay at home with you everyday. I love watching you learn new things and make discoveries. I cherish EVERY second I get to spend with you. You get so happy when you see daddy's face when he walks in the door after work. You are totally a daddy's boy..but also a momma's boy :)

Here is what you are up to at 5 months~

You weigh a little over 14 pounds, I don't think you have gained too much since your last check-up.

You are a little tall for your age, you are in the 75th percentile!

You are in size two diapers

You are in 3-6 month clothes

You LOVE putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. and i mean EVERYTHING.

You are sleeping in your crib and started totally sleeping through the night. You go to bed about 9:30-10:30 and wake up anywhere from 7-8 and you LOVE your crib!

You just talk in your crib and stare at the LED lights on the moniter until I come and get you

You are getting some more hair on top of your head!

You are lifting your head up GREAT!

When on your stomach you roll over to your side but haven't made that big push yet to completely flip..but I know it is coming any day now!

You are eating solid food once a day. You like bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, apple sause and peaches. You aren't a big fan of peas or avacodos..haha, you don't like your greens yet :)

You are slowly taking a bottle...we are working on it but you would MUCH rather have your momma!

Momma is training for a half marathon so you are getting really good at going for jogs in your jogging stroller :)

You are such a chunk and developing little rolls... :)

You still like your carseat and that is a good thing because you are in it a lot! We like to get out and do things!

You are going on your first big weekend trip this weekend for your momma's big half marathon. We are SOO excited, it should be a fun weekend. Your first hotel stay :)

Your momma and daddy love you!

Can't wait to see what this next month brings :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

our bathroom make-over

A few weeks ago Josh and I made some changes to our bathroom. Nothing too huge, but just little things that I think make it look sooo much better!

We got a new toilet seat, painted the walls gray,put handles on the drawers, made a frame for our mirror and ripped out the old shower door and put in a curtain.

We LOVE the new bathroom, here are our before and after pictures~

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

nighty night time...

So I have been such a sucker at night. Jakson has slept in his room ONCE so far. Ahh, I'm horrible. Sunday night Josh and I were laying him in his bassinet and realized his head and feet almost touch each end. Hahaha, ok, ok...time to take him up to his bed. So we started it again last night. The air circulation in our house stinks and the upstairs gets sooo hot. So yes, we got a window unit for his room. Just call us red necks :) But hey, gotta do what you gotta do. And we are just trying to fit into Cartersville :)jk, jk. For real though, you can only see it if you are on the side of our house and its a fancy one, haha.

We went upstairs at 10. Josh laid on the floor with Frank as I sat in the rocker and read Jaks Hop on Pop. Then I fed him and laid him down. He did great! He went to sleep at 10:30, woke up at 2:30. I went upstairs and fed him and he was back asleep at 2:45. Then he didn't wake up until 7! He was just talking away and staring up at his mobile and at the video moniter, bc the lights on it fascinate him. I went up and got him bc I already missed him and Josh was about to leave for work and he likes to be able to hold Jakson for a little bit before he has to head out the door.

This is how I found him at 7 this morning. I guess he is trying to tell me that he is done with his positioner. Hahah, I just want to baby him forever!!


Hope everyone has a great Tuesday :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Friday. the weekend is here :)

So excited the weekend is here :)

Time with the baby in my life...

And time with the man in my life...

Saturday morning I have to do another 9 mile run...phew. TWO more long runs and then the 13.1 mile run will be here. I can't wait. That weekend will be so fun...road trip!! I am loving running a couple or a few times during the week but the long runs are getting to me! It is just crazy when a run takes up 1.5 hrs of your saturday. The longer the runs get, the harder it is with jakson. 5 miles are almost impossible to complete with him in the jogging stroller. When he starts screaming his head off it shortens my run for sure :) Sometimes I am very thankful for that. ANYWAYS...almost there. I can do it. Oh and did I mention that means two more weeks until I get to eat chocolate :) YIKES, i can't wait!

Then Sunday is THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS TWO HOUR MOVIE. Love it. I can't wait to find out all of the secrets I have been waiting to find out. Haha, yes, I have a life.

I am babysitting ashley's boys right now and Jaks is cracking up at Jr bc he is pushing him in his swing. Jr is acting like it is no big deal but it is making me laugh :) Jaks loves his cousins. I can't wait until he can play with them. By that time, he will probably be there little "tag along" cousin. Hahah- o well!

Alright, that is all for now. HAPPY FRIDAY!

Monday, April 5, 2010

EASTER weekend :)

This was our first Easter with Jakson and it was busy busy but so much fun. We started out the weekend with an egg hunt at Cedarcrest Church Saturday morning. Of course we just kind of sat Jakson in the field with some eggs for pictures. But hey, it was fun!! Then after the egg hunt we went to Stars and Strikes for our nephew A.J's 5th birthday party! I can't believe he is 5 already. He is growing up WAY too fast. I love that little boy.

Then Sunday we went to church at Cedarcrest. After the service we took Mom and Dad to the airport. They are going to be in TX on a mission trip with the highschoolers of Cedarcrest, along with Ashley and Matthew. So be keeping them in your prayers this week :) Then we went to my Aunt Tracy and Uncle David's house for Easter. It was a lot of fun but we missed my parents, ash and matthew and sister Chrissi. It just wasn't the same without them! Josh's parents came over later in the afternoon to hang out with Jakson and us. It was a winderful weekend with famiy!

Friday, April 2, 2010

jakson's first banana. YUM :)

Click here to view this video

*the post below is Jakson's first cereal. For some reason it wouldn't let me put them all on one post

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jakson eating his first rice cereal

Jaks had his 4 month appointment yesterday. He did great! He weighs 14.3 lbs. He is in the 25% for weight, 50% for head and 75% for height. The doctor said he looks great and seems to be developing wonderfully! He also told me we could start introducing solids to his diet. So last night we gave him his first rice cereal. It was very very soupy but he did so great and really did like it,and with him always spitting up I was shocked when he didn't spit up at all after he ate.

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